manuscript cultures 10
A Case for the Study of Modern Literary Manuscripts3
by Christian Benne
The ‘Marriage Charter’ of Theophanu: A Product of Ottonian Manuscript Culture15
by Bruno Reudenbach
Medial Ambiguity: Liturgical Books of the Latin Church and their Changing Status in Mediaeval Tradition31
by Felix Heinzer
Travelling the Time Line: The Visual Organisation of New Spanish Manuscripts about the Mexica51
by Anna Boroffka
How Arabic Manuscripts Moved to German Libraries73
by Tilman Seidensticker
A Manifold Heritage: Glimpses of a Family Collection of Arabic Manuscripts in Ilọrin (Nigeria) and Its Transregional Links83
by Stefan Reichmuth
Fakes or Fancies? Some ‘Problematic’ Islamic Manuscripts from South East Asia101
by Annabel Teh Gallop
What a Multiple-text Manuscript Can Tell Us about the Tamil Scholarly Tradition: The Case of UVSL 589129
by Jonas Buchholz and Giovanni Ciotti
The Novgorod Birch-bark Manuscripts145
by Imke Mendoza
How to Make an Archival Inventory in Early Modern Europe: Carrying Documents, Gluing Paper and Transforming Archival
Chaos into Well-ordered Knowledge160
by Markus Friedrich