manuscript cultures 7
Proceedings of the
'Conference on Natural Sciences and Technology in Manuscript Analysis'
at the University of Hamburg,
SFB 950 'Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa' –
Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, 4–6 December 2013.
Edited by Christian Brockmann, Michael Friedrich, Oliver Hahn,
Bernd Neumann and Ira Rabin
by Christian Brockmann, Michael Friedrich, Oliver Hahn, Bernd Neumann,
and Ira Rabin
Abbreviations in Medieval Latin Handwriting3
by Björn Gottfried, Marius Wegner, Marianna Spano, and Mathias Lawo
Research Note: Synthetic-based Validation of Segmentation of Handwritten
Arabic Words10
by Laslo Dinges, Ayoub Al-Hamadi, Moftah Elzobi, and Sherif El-Etriby
HisDoc 2.0: toward Computer-assisted Paleography19
by Angelika Garz, Nicole Eichenberger, Marcus Liwicki, and Rolf Ingold
In the Shadow of Goitein: Text Mining the Cairo Genizah29
by Christopher Stokoe, Gabriele Ferrario, and Ben Outhwaite
Statistical Processing of Spectral Imagery to Recover Writings from Erased or
Damaged Manuscripts35
by Roger L. Easton, David Kelbe, and Chester F. Carlson
A Two-stage Approach to Segmentation-free Query-by-example Word Spotting47
by Leonard Rothacker, Marçal Rusiñol, Josep Lladós, and Gernot A. Fink
The Evolution of Imaging Techniques in the Study of Manuscripts58
by Athina Alexopoulo and Agatha Kaminari
DivaDesk: a Holistic Digital Workspace for Analyzing Historical Document Images69
by Nicole Eichenberger, Angelika Garz, Kai Chen, Hao Wei,
Rolf Ingold, and Marcus Liwicki
Multispectral Imaging, Image Enhancement, and Automated Writer Identification in
Historical Manuscripts83
by Ana Camba, Melanie Gau, Fabian Hollaus, Stefan Fiel, and Robert Sablatnig
Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Material and Computer Sciences on the
Dead Sea Scrolls and Beyond92
by Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra
The Basics of Fast-scanning XRF Element Mapping for Iron-gall Ink Palimpsests104
by Leif Glaser and Daniel Deckers
Multispectral Imaging of the San Lorenzo Palimpsest
(Florence, Archivio del Capitolo di San Lorenzo, Ms. 2211)113
by Andreas Janke and Claire Rachel MacDonald
Combining Codicology and X-Ray Spectrometry to Unveil the History of Production of
Codex germanicus 6, SUB Hamburg126
by Ira Rabin, Oliver Hahn, and Mirjam Geissbühler
A Modular Workbench for Manuscript Analysis132
by Arved Solth, Rainer Herzog, and Bernd Neumann