manuscript cultures 2
Ordered Disorder: Vestiges of Mixed Written and Oral Transmission of Arabic Didactic Poems2
by Tilman Seidensticker
Scribal Notation in Medieval Chinese Manuscripts: The hewen (Ligature) and the chongwen (Duplication) Marks6
by Imre Galambos
Liaoye—a Chinese Ligature in Uigur Manuscripts from the 13th and 14th Centuries11
by Peter Zieme
Of Critical Editions and Manuscript Reproductions: Remarks apropos of a Critical Edition of Pramānaviniścaya Chapters 1 and 214
by Harunaga Isaacson
Tai Manuscripts in the Dhamma Script Domain: Surveying, Preservation and Documentation,
Part 222
by Harald Hundius
Notes and News
Obeisance to Visnu-Tirumāl: Vaisnava Transmission for a Cankam Manuscript27
A Study of Old Kanembu in Early West African Qur'anic Manuscripts28 and Islamic Recitations (Tarjumo) in the Light of Kanuri-Kanembu Dialects spoken around Lake Chad
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies (COMSt)28
The Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts (DLLM)29
Ethio-SPARE: Cultural Heritage of Christian Ethiopia: Salvation,29 Preservation and Research
Inside MCAA
MCAA People 200930
MCAA International Conference On Colophons 3rd–5th December 200931
MCAA Calendar 200933
MCAA Essentials34