Master of Arts
The MA programme ‘Manuscript Cultures’ aims to convey within a one-year course (60 CP) central topics in the field of general manuscript research combined with specific skills. The course of studies promotes the independent, analytical handling of manuscripts, the cultural-scientific examination of the texts, images, notes and diagrams contained therein, the scientific material analysis of the manuscripts and the development of creative approaches for solving complex scientific and scholarly questions. The study programme covers a broad spectrum of manuscript cultures, especially in Asia, Africa and Europe.
Next application period: TBA
Duration: 2 semesters
Degree: Master of Arts Manuscript Cultures
Admission requirements and application: Information for applicants (last update: February 2024)
Short description: Study plan
Full Description: Subject-Specific Provisions
Qualifying fellowships: Parallel to the application period for the Master of Arts ‘Manuscript Cultures’, the Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’ allocates one-year fellowships of 934€ per month for students applying to the Master. Further details will be announced before the next application period opens.
Frequently asked Questions: To make the application process easier for you, we have compiled answers to frequently asked questions, which you can find here.
Head of the MA programme
Coordinator Graduate School
Universität Hamburg
Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures
Warburgstraße 26
20354 Hamburg, Germany