Summer School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Studies
Fifth Summer School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Studies 2020: Introduction into Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Traditions
Organised by Alessandro Bausi at the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures in cooperation with the HLCEES
Manuscripts are among the central objects of cultural heritage of Ethiopia and Eritrea, and their management has been a focus of research and activity in recent years. Scholars based in Hamburg have successfully organized previous summer schools, vastly appreciated by the students and young scholars of Ethiopian and Eritrean studies, Semitic studies, and related disciplines: in Hamburg in 2016 and 2017, in Mekele in 2018, and in Addis Ababa in 2019, plus shorter trainings in Asmara in 2019.
In September 2020, this successful series of summer schools is continued as the Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts proudly hosts the fifth Summer School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Studies in Hamburg.
The summer school introduces its participants to the history, tools and resources used in Ethiopian and Eritrean studies. Theoretical lectures on research history and methodology, codicology, palaeography, and philology are combined with hands-on exercises in cataloguing, digitization, and text editing, to assist in forming the urgently requested practical skills in dealing with the manuscripts. There will be sessions on Gəʿəz manuscript studies, followed by a comprehensive overview of the content of the Gəʿəz written heritage (literary history, philology, hagiographic and historiographic texts). The lectures also address Ethiopian Islamic manuscript studies, and other Ethiopian manuscript traditions such as Beta Esrael and Amharic manuscripts.
The qualification achieved by the participants shall help them further profile themselves in manuscript studies as well as to immediately contribute to the preservation and investigation of the written cultural heritage of Ethiopia and Eritrea.
The Summer School is held from 21 to 26 September 2020 at Hamburg University.
There is the additional facultative option of a 3-day training in TEI for Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Cataloguing from 28 to 30 September 2020.
Participation, Costs, and Grants
The Summer School shall be conducted in English.
20 participants shall be selected on a competitive basis from all qualified applications.
The selected participants will be asked to pay a small fee of 150 Euros towards tuition and learning materials.
A limited number of grants will be awarded to excellent applicants with no alternative funding possibility. The grants shall cover the travel, the accommodation costs for up to 7 nights, and provide a small subsistence contribution for the duration of the school.
Further Information and Application
For further information on the programme and for submitting your application, please visit this website: Registration
Contact address: aethiopistik"AT"