Hebrew Codicology Course 2024
In memory of Professor Dr Malachi Beit-Arié (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 20 May 1937 – 17 October 2023

Objectives and contents
During this one-week intensive course, participants will learn the basics of Hebrew codicology and manuscript description, including an introductory overview of Hebrew palaeography, and receive exposure to an expansive vision of current debates in Hebrew manuscript research.
The course is divided into five sessions, including one hands-on session at Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky (SUB).
Monday, 15 July 2024
The Hebrew Book in the Middle Ages: Production, Topics, Diffusion, Geocultural Entities.
Tuesday, 16 July 2024
The Quire: Materials of Production, Preparation, Ruling, and Ordering. Non-Composite vs. Composite Codices.
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Medieval Hebrew Scripts: Types and Modes.
Thursday, 18 July 2024
The Observation and Description of the Hebrew Codex. Catalogues and Hebrew Codicology.
Friday, 19 July 2024
Hands-on session at SUB.
Target audience
- MA students and doctoral researchers from any programme on Jewish Studies
- Postdocs with a research interest in Jewish Studies and in Hebrew manuscript culture
- External participants with an interest in getting to know the basics of Hebrew codicology and manuscript description
Credit points
3 CP can be earned by completing the course.
Participants should have taken at least two full years of Hebrew (Classical or Modern) or have at least an intermediate-level reading competence of Hebrew.
The language of instruction will be English, therefore participants need to be able to use English fluently (B2 level or higher).
The summer course is free of charge, but participants need to organize and pay for accommodation, adequate health insurance and travels themselves. Meals are not included.
Travel grants
CSMC supports the summer course with three travel grants (600€ for applicants based in Germany, 900€ for applicants based in other European countries, and 1200€ for applicants based outside of Europe). If you wish to apply for a travel grant, please mention this in your letter of motivation.
Application and deadline
Please fill in the application webform (below) and send a CV and a letter of motivation (1 page) to merryl.rebello"AT"uni-hamburg.de before 31 March 2024. In this letter, please explain what motivates you to apply for the course. Please, also mention your level of Hebrew and whether you wish to apply for a travel grant (see above).
Please note: Applicants from abroad will receive their letters of invitation for the visa application after they have been selected (at the beginning of April).