Dr Hanna Wimmer

Photo: UHH
Spokesperson 'Formatting Multigraphic Artefacts' | Member UWA
European Art History
University of Hamburg
Warburgstraße 26
20354 Hamburg
Room: 3006
Tel: +49 40 42838-3263
Current and Completed Projects
Working Group Facing New Technologie (FNT) (2020–2023)
- Spokesperson of Research Field H: Exploring Multilingual Written Artefacts
- Project lead FNT08 (2019–2022):
Reframing Old Contents for New Readers in Late-Medieval German One-Volume Libraries
SFB 950 ‘Manuscript Cultures in Asia, Africa and Europe’ (2011–2020)
- Project lead of sub-project B09 (2015–2019):
The ‘Painting’ of Writing: The Iconicity of Writing and Word Pictures in Latin Psalter Manuscripts Used in Religious Rituals - Research Associate in sub-project B01 (2011–2014):
Biblia Pauperum Manuscripts: The formation and Transmission of Biblical Knowledge in Word-Image Complexes