Professor Dr Tilman Seidensticker

Photo: CSMC
Senior Professor | Member UWA
Islamic Studies
University of Hamburg
Seminar für Orientalistik
Warburgstraße 28
20354 Hamburg
Room: 2008
Tel: +49 3641 944-865
Current and Completed Projects
Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’ (UWA) (2019–2026)
- Member
Working Group Facing New Technologie (FNT) (2019–2024)
- Spokesperson
- Project lead FNT05 (2020–2023):
The Last Decades of Arabic Manuscript Culture (1870–1930): Coexistence and Interaction with Printing
SFB 950 ‘Manuscript Cultures in Asia, Africa and Europe’ (2011–2020)
- Project lead of sub-project C06 (2015–2019):
The usage of Qur’an manuscripts as objects within Islamic-Arabic culture: The example of miniature and roll Qur’ans - Investigator of sub-project B05 (2011–2015):
Forms and Functions of Layout in Arabic Manuscripts as Based on Copies of Religious Texts