Dr. rer. nat. Hussein Mohammed

Member UWA
Computer Science
Current and Completed Projects
Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’ (UWA) (2019–2025)
- Head of the Visual Manuscript Analysis (VMA) Lab
- Project lead RFA05 (2022–2025):
Similarity Measurement of Visual Patterns in Written Artefacts - Project lead RFA05 (2019–2022):
Pattern Recognition in 2D Data from Digitised Images and Advanced Aquisition Techniques
SFB 950 ‘Manuscript Cultures in Asia, Africa and Europe’ (2011–2020)
- Research Associate in the scientific service project Z03 (2015–2019):
Image Processing Methods for Determining Visual Manuscript and Character Features
Dissertation Project
Dr. Hussein Mohammed received his masters degree in informatics engineering from the University of the Algarve and continued his work on shape detection and recognition as a research associate at the computer vision lab of the same university in Portugal. In October 2015, he moved to Hamburg University in order to continue his research in the field of computational document analysis. In March 2019, he received his doctoral degree in computer science from Hamburg University for his work in computational analysis of handwriting styles. Since July 2019, he is a principal investigator at the Cluster of Excellence: Understanding Written Artefacts in Hamburg University. His main research interests are pattern recognition, machine learning and computer vision.