Spotlight: Written Artefacts
Friday, 10 June 2022
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Welcome Notes (House 26, Pavilion)
- Senator Katharina Fegebank, Second Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
- Hauke Heekeren, President of Universität Hamburg (video message)
- Silke Segler-Meßner, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
Introduction (House 26, Pavilion)
Michael Friedrich, Spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence UWA
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Creating Writing Supports: Make Your Own Paper (House 26, Room 1002)
Preserving Treasures: Written Artefacts as Cultural Heritage (House 26, Room 2002)
Library of Unreadable Signs: Exhibition with Artist in Residence Axel Malik (House 28, Library)
Written Artefacts under the Microscope: The Mobile Lab (House 28, Laboratory, 1st Floor)
The Theatre of Miletus in Virtual Reality (House 28, Room 3015)
Artificial Intelligence for the Humanities: Presenting the Research Field Data Linking (House 28, Room 4007)
The CSMC in Film (House 28, Room 4015)
Technology on the Road: The First Container Lab (House 26, Entrance)
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Artificial Intelligence for the Humanities: Talk by Ralf Möller (House 26, Pavilion)
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Film Premiere (German Version) ‘So spricht Tarām-Kūbi – Assyrische Korrespondenz’ (House 26, Pavilion)
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
- J. P. Gumbert Dissertation Award: Award Ceremony (House 26, Pavilion)
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
- Science Slam: Research in a Flash (House 26, Pavilion)
Saturday, 11 June
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Preserving Treasures: Written Artefacts as Cultural Heritage (House 26, Room 2002)
Library of Unreadable Signs: Exhibition with Artist in Residence Axel Malik (House 28, Library)
Written Artefacts under the Microscope: The Mobile Lab (House 28, Laboratory, 1st Floor)
The Theatre of Miletus in Virtual Reality (House 28, Room 3015)
Artificial Intelligence for the Humanities: Data Linking (House 28, Room 4007)
The CSMC in Film; 'So spricht Tarām-Kūbi – Assyrische Korrespondenz' (House 28, Room 4015)
Technology on the Road: The First Container Lab (House 26, Entrance)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- Jazz Session with Piotr Michalowski (playing bass clarinet / sopranino saxophone) (House 26, Pavilion)