What’s it Like to Do a PhD on Written Artefacts?
3 February 2025
In a new video, two of our current doctoral researchers, Malgorzata Grzelec and Daniel Kudo Tovar, give insights into their work on paper structures and Peruvian music archives, respectively, and talk about life in Hamburg and their future plans.
The doctoral thesis is the first long-term project for anyone pursuing an academic career. Before embarking on it, young researchers are faced with difficult questions such as which topic to work on, which university to go to, and who will supervise the work. And of course, there are also factors that are not directly related to the doctoral thesis: What is it like to live in a particular city for at least three years? What prospects are there afterwards?
A new video with our current doctoral researchers Malgorzata Grzelec and Daniel Kudó Tovar gives an impression of what it means to do a doctorate at the CSMC Graduate School. Their dissertation topics give an impression of the range of questions our doctoral researchers are working on: While archaeometrist Malgorzata is examining the structures of different historical types of paper in order to better understand the history and technological development of this writing support, musicologist Daniel is working with Peruvian music archives from the 19th century, using them to explore the social dynamics in a society between a colonial past and an independent future.
Take a look and see what it’s like to delve into the study of written artefacts in Hamburg.