This basic bibliography is provided for anyone interested in learning more about the Kairouan collection of manuscripts. Please send additional suggestions to kmp.csmc"AT"
Online resources
Blog post on Kairouan Qurʾans by Eléonore Cellard and Saleh al-Mehdi ben Hammouda. (Published 30/4/2020)
English site of the Tunisian National Institute of Heritage
Print resources
Bayram, Muḥammad Bek. 1897. “al-Qayrawān.” Al-Muqtaṭaf. April 1 / 28 Shawwāl, 1314: 241-246.
Bloom, Jonathan. 2015. “The Blue Koran Revisited." Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 6.2-3: 196-218.
Brockopp, Jonathan. 2005. “The Minor Compendium of Ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥakam (d. 214/829) and its reception in the early Mālikī school.” Islamic Law and Society 12.2: 149-81
Brockopp, Jonathan. 2017. Muhammad's Heirs: The Rise of Muslim Scholarly Communities, 622-950. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Déroche, François. 1987-89. “Les manuscrits arabes datés du IIIe/IXe siècle.” Revue des Études Islamiques 55-57: 343-79.
Ketzer, Roswitha, 1991. "A conservation project in Kairouan." In Preprints: 7th International Congress of Restorers of Graphic Art, 26th–30th August 1991, Uppsala, Sweden. IADA, Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Graphikrestauratoren, 119–127
Marçais, Georges and Louis Poinssot. 1948. Objets kairouanais. IXe au XIIIe siècle. Reliures, verreries, cuivres et bronzes, bijoux. Paris: Vuibert.
Muranyi, Miklos. 1984. Materialien zur mālikitischen Rechtsliteratur. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Muranyi, Miklos. 1997. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Ḥadīt und Rechtsgelehrsamkeit der Mālikiyya in Nordafrika bis zum 5. Jh. d.H. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Muranyi, Miklos. 2015. “Geniza or ḥubus: some observations on the library of the great mosque in Qayrawān.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 42: 183-200.
al-Nayyāl, Muḥammad al-Bahalī. 1963. Al-Maktaba al-athariyya bi-l-Qayrawān, Tunis.
Rambach, Arianna D’Ottone. 2017. “The Blue Koran. A Contribution to the Debate on Its Possible Origin and Date.” Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 8.2: 127-43.
Schacht, Joseph. 1967. "On Some Manuscripts in the Libraries of Kairouan and Tunis." Arabica 14: 225-58.
Schwartz, Werner. 1986. Die Bibliothek der Großen Moschee von al‐Qayrawān / Tunesien: Vorarbeiten zu ihrer Geschichte. Unpublished thesis. Fachhochschule für Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen, Köln.
Shabbūḥ, Ibrahīm. 1956. "Sijill qadīm li-maktabat jāmiʿ al-Qayrawān." Revue de l'Institut des Manuscrits Arabes 2: 339-372.