Graduate Programme und Information Infrastructure
Integrated Graduate Programme Manuscript Cultures
The programme is designed for the PhD students of the CSMC and will host external PhD students from Germany and from abroad who will get a scholarship. The programme offers a structured doctoral training, and wishes to impart skills in interdisciplinary manuscript research including lectures on historical and comparative manuscript research as well as workshops on methodological issues. In addition, workshops teaching job-related skills are also offered.
Head of the Programme: Oliver Huck
Data Repository Manuscript Cultures
This project is intended to ensure the systematic storage and long-term use of data acquired in research projects undertaken at the SFB. By using a central MyCoRe installation that has already been tested extensively, ineffective local data management in individual research projects is not needed anymore. A data repository for digital objects which also contains descriptive meta-data is to be developed based on the projects’ individual requirements. The data repository will also make virtual collaboration possible and is intended as a central virtual platform for researchers involved in the SFB’s projects.
Principal Investigator: Michael Friedrich, Stefan Thiemann
Research Associates: Karsten Helmholz, Cristina Mossoni