Call for Papers
The IWCP 2023 welcomes the submission of original, previously unpublished work that is relevant to the Topics of this workshop. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted submissions will be presented in the workshop and published with ICDAR proceedings in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. By submitting a paper to this Workshop all authors implicitly agree to be bound by the IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors.
Papers from on-going projects presenting preliminary, mid-term or pilot data are welcome. New projects based on challenging or sensitive (unpublished) corpora can submit an abstract that may, upon discussion, be published or integrated in the Workshop Final Report.
Participants can choose between two formats:
- A full-paper in the range of 8 – 15 pages (not including references) in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format and a short presentation for on-going projects presenting datasets, final or preliminary results as well as innovative methodologies and tools;
- An abstract (1 page) and a short presentation for new projects based on challenging material and research questions requiring interdisciplinary collaborations. Please note that this kind of submission will not allow the publication of a paper in the proceedings.
Full paper submissions must not exceed 15 pages (not including references), and will be managed via Easychair and undergo a double blind review by the members of the Program Committee. Authors should not include their names, affiliations, or acknowledgements in submitted manuscripts, and should ensure that their identity is not revealed indirectly by citing their earlier work in the third person.
Submission link for full papers:
Abstract submissions are limited to one page each, and should be sent directly as PDF via email to the Workshop Chairs. Abstract submissions are not required to be anonymized.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Dr. Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello( i.marthot-santaniello"AT" and Dr. Hussein Mohammed( hussein.adnan.mohammed"AT"
Instructions for Authors
The submitted papers should follow the same policy and conditions of ICDAR 2023 conference papers. Papers should be formatted according to the instructions and style files provided by Springer. The LaTeX template for LNCS can be downloaded here. It is also available on Overleaf.
You can also see the author instructions on ICDAR Website for the format or download the LNCS Guidelines for authors.